Stellar Pharmaceuticals
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Pour nous joindre

Stellar Pharmaceuticals Inc.
54, rue Egerton
London (Ontario) N5W 3Z8
Tél. : 1-800-639-0643
Fax : 519-434-4382

Équipe de direction

Rob Harris - President and CEO

Rob Harris has 30 years of pharmaceutical industry experience in both Canada and the United States in sales, marketing, business development and general management. Prior to co-founding Tribute Pharmaceuticals, Rob was the President & CEO of Legacy Pharmaceuticals Inc. Rob also has previous experience at Biovail Corporation where as VP of Business Development he was involved, led and successfully concluded numerous business development transactions, including the licensing of new chemical entities, the acquisition of mature products, the completion of co-promotion deals, distribution agreements, product development and reformulation transactions. Rob joined Biovail in 1997 as the GM of Biovail Pharmaceuticals Canada at a time when the company experienced rapid growth in the Canadian division. Before Biovail, Rob worked in various senior commercial management positions during his twenty-year tenure at Wyeth (Ayerst) and has been involved in numerous product launches during his career.

Scott Langille - Chief Financial Officer

Scott Langille has over 22 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry in both Canada and the United States. Prior to Tribute Pharmaceuticals, Scott was Chief Financial Officer of Virexx Medical Corp, a biotechnology company located in Alberta listed on the American Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange. Scott was responsible for strategic direction, business development initiatives, investor relations, corporate financing activities, and financial operations. Past financial experience includes Director, Corporate Finance at Biovail Corporation, Director of Finance at Biovail Pharmaceuticals Canada, Biovail's sales and marketing division in Canada as well as Vice President at Biovail Pharmaceuticals Inc., Biovail's sales and marketing division in the United States. Other prior management positions include Director Finance at AltiMed Pharmaceuticals Company and Controller at Zimmer Canada. Scott has a professional accounting designation and an MBA from the University of Toronto.

Janice Clarke - V.P. Finance

Janice Clarke possède plus de vingt ans d'expérience de l'administration de bureau et de la gestion financière. Elle a démontré sa compétence dans l'implantation et la gestion de divers systèmes financiers et de méthodes administratives. Janice a joint Stellar Pharmaceuticals Inc. en août 2000 et présentement elle gère ses processus administratifs et financiers.

Ann Hartshorn - V.P. Marketing

Ann has 28 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry with progressive positions spanning sales and marketing, new product launches, and life cycle management throughout various therapeutic areas with family practice and specialized medicine.

Prior to joining Tribute Pharmaceuticals, Ann was a principal of a pharmaceutical consulting firm that assisted numerous international pharma companies in their life cycle management activities, including Astra Zeneca, Servier Pharma, and Pfizer. Prior to her consulting activities, Ann was Director, Hospital and Specialty Business Unit for Crystaal Corporation in which capacity she successfully launched several products in Canada. While at Crystaal, Ann also served as Director of Marketing and Director of New Product Planning. Ann also has previous marketing experience with Wyeth and Astra Zeneca. Born and educated in England, Ann graduated from the University of Reading and the Royal Berkshire Hospital as a State Registered Nurse and Midwife. After immigrating to Canada, she worked in the ICU, CCU and NICU at Ottawa Civic and Ottawa General Hospitals.

David Butts, B.SC. - v.-p. opérations commerciales

David Butts, v.-p. opérations commerciales, est un cadre supérieur possédant 28 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie des sciences de la vie dans des postes progressifs dans le domaine de la vente, du marketing et de la recherche clinique. Il a fait ses preuves et obtenu du succès dans le domaine du développement de nouvelles affaires et d'accords de licence. Diplômé de l'Université Carleton d'Ottawa, M. Butts possède une bonne connaissance du processus de développement clinique et une solide expérience dans plusieurs importants domaines pharmaceutiques; urologie, orthopédie, système respiratoire, allergie et cardiologie.

Paul MacPherson - v.-p. opérations

Paul s'est joint à Stellar en mai 2007, avec 15 ans d'expérience comme ingénieur en procédés de fabrication dans les domaines pharmaceutiques et biotechnologiques. Il a obtenu des diplômes de baccalauréat et de maîtrise en génie chimique de l'Université McMaster.

Darrin Statchuk - directeur de la qualité et des affaires réglementaires

Darrin Statchuk, directeur de la qualité et des affaires réglementaires, s'est joint à la compagnie en 2004. M. Statchuk a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le secteur manufacturier et s'est spécialisé dans la gestion de la qualité et des questions de réglementation dans de grandes et petites sociétés internationales. Darrin est diplômé de l'Université de Western Ontario, où il a obtenu un baccalauréat ès sciences en chimie.

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